Wednesday 21 January 2009

Strombreaker, Women in Black and Mean Girls

As well as analysing a film of our chosen genre, we also watched other films with different types of genre to gain a better idea of how we could open our film. I watched Strombreaker, Women in Black and Mean Girls and now i am going to comapre each opening to find out which will suite our film the best.


The opening of Strombreaker, does not give the audience any indication of what genre the film is. Their is a fade from black into the opening scene, this is an enigma code and of this it draws in the audience because they want to know what is happening. the titles are then incorporated into the film. They then use another enigma code to establish the setting and character, the scene opens with a shot of a lot of teenagers sat down. it takes a couple of minutes until the action really kicks in and we get all the normal conventions for the action genre.


However, when we watch Women in Black, we get a clear idea of what genre the film is. The film opens immediately with the titles, which is accompanied by non-diegetic music with mysterious tone being played in the background. The titles are written in an off-white colour on a black background, we can also see a gray mist/ cloud effect moving across the screen, which draws in the audience because it creates an intense feeling of mystery. The font used on the titles, is the traditional horror writing, they have chunks missing out of them at some places bigger chunks then others, this makes the audience instantly identify that this is a thriller movie. Compared with Strombreaker the opening of Women in Black seems to move faster, since we have to wait to see what the genre is in Strombreaker, with Women in Black getting straight to the point it makes the audience feel more part of the film.


Mean Girls, is very similar to Women In Black, it opens with the titles, they are very simplistic and written in different colours, this is similar to what is used in the Women in Black, however with this movie we are not entirely sure what the genre of the film is. But the bright colours used on them connotes youth so this does give the audience a hint to what the genre is. They then use an enigma to introduce the main character this is similar to Strombreaker, as the enigma code draws the audience in because they want to know what is going to happen to Cady when she goes to school.


I think that for our film we will be using a mixture of each opening, we want to incorporate an enigma code to draw the audience in and also to introduce the characters and setting in the normal teen comedy way.

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