Wednesday 4 February 2009

High School Loser Script

'High School Loser'
The Script

Fade into the shot taken from what looks like a dead bush it's light, early morning, in the background we can see some trees surrounding a hunched over boy with messy, long black hair and dark clothes sitting in it and can hear the leaves rustling in the wind. We zoom in and see that he is writing in what looks like a very untidy notebook we can then hear what he is writing.

V.O. Edwardo
Hi. I’m Edwardo Fredireco (What was my mother thinking, right?), and this is me, the joke of my entire school. I’ve decided to run far, far away. And if you’re wondering why I’m here, I’ll show you. I’ll take you back to the beginning of the worst day of my.

Scene two

Flashback to the previous day
Edwardo is walking to school, alone from the surroundings, we can tell this is set in America. In the shot we can see two girls pointing and laughing at him

Stupid Girl one:
Oh my god,(laughing hysterically) I like totally know right, he’s like, so funny, what’s he wearing?

Stupid Girl two:
It looks like a bin bag

Stupid girl one:
Oh my god that is so last year
Stupid Girl two:
Oh my god, i have the best idea ever!

They run off and the camera cuts to close up of Edwardo walking up the school drive, from nowhere a snowball flies across the frame and hits Edwardo on the head.
PAUSE as ‘High school Loser’ appears on the screen. Whilst it is paused we hear him say

V.O Edwardo
You see I’ve got a dark secret, darker than my hair, which is totally cool, right? And I’ve had to live with this secret since I was five years old.

The shot unfreezes and the snowball hits him on the head, he falls to the ground and we hear the school bell ring.

Scene three

Cut to Edwardo standing next to a wall, and is looking down and is visibly upset from his ordeal earlier, we see a group of people walking up to him, laughing and pointing. One guy stays behind to talk to him

Hey douche bag, get over here, you owe me money!

That’s funny, because that’s what your mom said last night.

That’s not funny you little shit! Why I oughtta!

A girl walks out from the crowd and hurries over to Edwardo. From no where a fist punch the guy in the face, he falls flat on his back

That’s the 10th one today, (she clicks her fingers turns to Edwardo)

Mrs Bigg
Miss Smith step away from Mr Bent, and get over here now!!!!
Walking down the corridor we see the head teacher, she is very tall with short brown hair, and winks at Edwardo, and he winces

V.O. Edwardo
That’s my mom (pause) she is the head teacher of this hell hole.

As Hannah walks towards Mrs Bigg she turns and winks at Edwardo, she then walks out of shot and we are left with Edwardo looking very flustered and Arnie rolling around on the floor still moaning.

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