Wednesday 25 February 2009

Shooting the First Scene & Scene Three

Today we shot the first scene of our film, it involved Edwardo (Matt) sitting in a bush writing in his diary, we originally planned for the scene to be shot at night but since we weren't allowed on school property after 7pm we had to change the time of day to early morning. It is not that much of a major problem for our film but it is for all the written work we have already completed, so we now have to go back and re-write that scene again.

The filming we did turned out really well, whilst we where shooting the scene Sam thought it would be funny for us to throw sticks at Edwardo as he wrote. So we all grabbed and handful of muddy sticks and threw them at him, it added some comedy to what was a sad start to a film, so we have to thanks Sam for coming up with this when we got out there or the scene would have looked very uninteresting.

After we finished shooting that scene, we came back in side and shot the corridor scene, before we started filming we had to work out where the two cameras were going to be placed and to try and not get one accidentally in the back of the other camera's shot. So we made a camera map (which will be posted later, after we have finished editing,) and then went into the corridor to check if it was ok, everything looked fine so we went ahead with shooting.

Since, we needed to use a group of people in the scene we asked: Frazer, Nick and Tom, if they would like to play bullies they agreed and we got them into place. The scene was set up so Sam on Camera Two was capture the boys leaving a room and walking towards Edwardo, and me on Camera One would capture them walking towards Edwardo and the fight that happens between Arnie (played by Tom) and Hannah (played by Sarah). We thought we had it all planned out but when we watched the takes back you could see Sam and the camera in almost all of the shots, so we decided to that we would try to edit around him when the we come to edit our film. After that we filmed Mrs Biggs' part (played by Mr Gibb,) it went well we did everything we planned to shot and more. Overall, today was a good day.

After we finished shooting I went and uploaded everything onto the computer, there were a couple of problems I saw when I watched the footage back. Along with the camera problem we had already spotted I did not realise that when we filmed Mrs Biggs part you could see all the people shot in the doorway of the classroom in the back of the shot, watching us and also that you could hear them laughing and talking during the scene. So we decided to re-shoot Mrs Biggs scene but to keep the fight part as it is because we could never do something as good as what we filmed today.

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