Sunday 15 March 2009

The Updated Script (Scene Three, Four & Five)

Scene Three
Three girls are in a corridor next to a staircase talking, we then see Edwardo walking up the stairs alone, when he reaches the top of the stairs the three girls spot him and start to laugh.

Girl One
Oh my god, look at him! what a loser!
Edwardo now standing in the corridor with them stops and looks at the girls, after about a second the closest girl to him throws an empty sweet wrapper at him
Throwing Girl
loser! (hehehe)
It hits Edwardo in the face, he quickly walks to the end of the corridor to get away, in the background we can hear
Girl Two
(hahaha) What a loser
As he walks away Edwardo hears what she said and turns around
V.O Edwardo
See, no one really likes me...
Edwardo walks out of shot and we are left we the three girls still stood laughing and talking, but now they are talking about Edwardo.
Scene Four
Edwardo walks into what looks like an empty corridor from his point of view, but as he gets further into the corridor we see coming from another corridor a tall, strong looking boy walking towards Edwardo. the boy sees Edwardo, Edwardo sees him
Oh! Loser!
Edwardo panics, drops his and coat and runs off, the bully runs to where Edwardo dropped his coat and picks it up
Oh! Where you going?
He runs after Edwardo. the bully quickly catches up with him and stands to watch Edwardo who is still running try and escape
If you want your coat back, get here now!
Edwardo stops running, he turns and sheepishly walks back towards the bully who is stood holding his coat up in the air. when Edwardo is stood next to the bully, he suddenly grabs Edwardo by the neck
Give me your bag! NOW!
Edwardo screams, drops his bag and runs off.
The bully starts to laugh, he then puts Edwardo's coat and bends down to pick up his bag, he puts everything on looks and himself and with a smug look on his face
Very nice
He walks off in the opposite direction acting like nothing had happened.
Scene Five

Edwardo is stood in the corridor, he is upset and looking down he doesn't see the point in going to lesson since no one notices him or likes him, so he sees no point.

A group of lads walk out a class room talking to each other. Then they notice Edwardo stood on his own.

Bully 1: Oi! You owe me money.

Edwardo: That's funny, that's what your mum said last night.

Bully 1: You what!

Hannah appears out of nowhere and punches Edwardo's bully in the face. He falls to the ground. It Freezes mid-punch and Edwardo speaks,

V.O. Edwardo: That's Hannah, she's my best... well... only friend. And. I'm secretly in love with her.


Hannah stands there laughing whiles the other bullies are checking to see if their mate is okay, suddenly the headteacher walks round the corner.

Mrs Bigg: Miss Smith, step away from Mr Bent, and get over here now!!!!

Mrs Bigg winks at Edwardo. Edwardo shivers as he is disturbed.

V.O. Edwardo: That’s my mom (pause) she is the head teacher of this hell hole. Don't ask about the hair, it just grows and grows and grows, then it all gone.

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